The Chūbu region is situated in the middle of Japan's main island.

It covers a large and geographically diverse area which is divided into three distinct subregions: Tōkai, Kōshinetsu, and Hokuriku.
The region includes the major city of Nagoya as well as Pacific Ocean and Sea of Japan coastlines, extensive mountain resorts, and Mount Fuji.

The central part of the region is characterized by high, rugged mountains. The Japanese Alps divide the country into the Pacific side, sunny in winter, and the Sea of Japan side, snowy in winter.

Chūbu is the city of saké, which is a Japanese national alcoholic beverage made by fermenting rice that has been polished to remove the bran.                                                                                  In Japan saké is often served with a special ceremony, where it is gently warmed in a small porcelain bottle and sipped from a small porcelain cup called sakazuki. 

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